Writing. Again.

Im back from my long (i dunno wht my brain isnt working so can u fill in the missing word plz). hiatus ? lebbiddee... i'll think about the word later. More importantly, i'm blogging again.

The blasts....

Rocked bombay, made me weep tears of joy that everyone i knew n loved was safe, and i spent some horrible nerve wracking moments trying to call the very same loved ones.

As usual, i procrastinated, overslept, and didnt go out, or i could have easily been one of the victims. Somehow, failign a math paper, being unemployed, or single, doesnt seem so harrowing anymore.

To everyone who called n checked up on me.... i love you too...n thank you for caring so much....

I wont pretend to say i know the solution to these terrorsit attacks, i wont favour this or that political party, and no, i wont say praise the Lord i didnt die or Oh Lord, how sad for all those people who did face this. What i WILL say is...
I love bombay. Its a city with people of Spirit.
If anyone needs any help, ill try to do what i can.
I dont know why these terrorists do what they do, but oh, i wonder how they sleep at night.

Im tired. Too many things happening in this city. And here i was complaining that nothign was happening... Lord..i meant nothing GOOD.... so please.....spare me all this...Turn the Page....


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