SOB that ur reading my blog, i can safely assume i have atleast ONE reader. Praise be the Lord :D

The title refers to SAVE our Blogs....and not what u first thought it was i must admit i did curse a bit...

suddenly one morning i wake up, and blog's been blocked....i check to see if other blogs are available ( maybe the govt think im so influencial they only blocked mine) but ahhh...back to earth...all the blogs are blocked...even 7 year old riza's if she plans to take on the world...

All hogwash... read an article about the 'spirit' of Mumbai that evryone keeps talking about..for lack of a better phrase i suppose..and how sick it makes some of us more mention of the 's' word and we just might gag....

You cant do anything BUT go on with your life in this big city....u cant do anything BUT feel helpless because..face it..all we'r doing is blaming the politicians, perhaps rightly, but thats another issue, or we're feeling tragic for those who were injured or died....or we just primly maintained that 2 minute silence and feel all righteous and good, that we kept shut for two WHOLE minutes... yeh well..i did too.... so there !


Prasad Narulkar said…
he he he...

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