Eyes wide Shut.

Now im in solitary confinement. Been like that for ages...which is why i drool like a doggie whenever a friend requests shelter for the night. Since bombay is so obliging with long, stifling, crushing train journeys, bomb blasts, deluges etc...i d o have my wish granted at times...someone comes over to stay the night, and i sleep. in Peace.

I just cant sleep alone...my eyes dont shut until my brain says u cant stay open anymore, and thats when i fall off asleep. I keep looking out of the window, sneaking glances actually, wondering if there is a blood sucking vampire jsut waiting to tear the mesh n get to me.... fat little me has a lot of the red stuff btw....

But...i cant sleep. And this has been the case for ages now...ever since iv started living alone. The bible doesnt help..or rather..i dont pick up the bible because that givesme the chills too. Its like okay, those things exist, and the bible willsave me from them, so if i dont read the Bible, then Those things dont exist. 'Those' things refer to boogeyman.

Ohkie, so since im jobless, who care sif i sleep at 4 am n wake up at 12 right ? unfortunately, i DO have a schedule and i AM screwing it up because of this.

I dont know how my friends take it all, even my family is disgusted but hell..i cant sleep. Alone. Period. Shameless is gone for a wash so hes not around to sleep with me. Shameless refers to my teddy. Doggie actually, but..stuffed nevertheless.


Anonymous said…
Marj, I dunno if I can relate or not but I know what's happening. Funny that we connect but sometimes, I wonder if you wonder that we should switch places. At the rate at which I am going right now, I do wish to switch places with somebody but then when I look at those deprived, I smile to myself and then say, "Thanks, I've got so much more" and sub-consciously say, "This shall pass."
Anonymous said…
Marj, I dunno if I can relate or not but I know what's happening. Funny that we connect but sometimes, I wonder if you wonder that we should switch places. At the rate at which I am going right now, I do wish to switch places with somebody but then when I look at those deprived, I smile to myself and then say, "Thanks, I've got so much more" and sub-consciously say, "This shall pass."

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