Milk of Human kindness...

Going sour ...Et cetera...

I always , always believe that people are inherently nice, and that given half a chance, they'd help a stranger. Yet, a funny incident that occured today made me laugh..yet saddened me a bit...

I was making a call from one of those PCO booths to a friend of mine, and the man standing near to me at the next phone somehow managed to drop a Two rupee coin. While continuing my conversation, i bent down to pick it up, and immediately he barked out ' yeh mera hai' ( its mine) ... i said 'haan, jaanti hoon' (yes i know )...and then he was like...thank you..

No sheepish look, nothing...maybe a tad bit surprised though...

Funny how people have become so hardened that a simple act of consideration leaves them flustered...

I also say a thank you to the bus conductor after i purchase my ticket, and thank the bus driver before i get down from the i deserve a kick for being so nice..but it dont hurt does it.. n most times..its really nice to hear the bus driver's grunt in lieu of the Thank u.....

Try it... feels nice..


Anonymous said…
welcome back after a hiatus!!!
u've got a gr8 skill of writing..
keep it going baby....
WeirdiSgooD said…
Hey samie...Thanks ..i guess ill keep going only so long as interesting things keep happening...and im bored n jobless :D felt gr8 to get a lovely compliment from a fantabulous frend :)
Prasad Narulkar said…
Spreadin the LOVE eh??
Prasad Narulkar said…
wher did my comment go???
Atticus Finch said…
Of course, it feels nice!!! And that's good enough reason to do it! I tip all my taxi drivers liberally. I talk to them about UP or MP wherever they are from and of home and family! It's not a courtesy... It's not condescension... Just genuinely feeling happy that I have the time and money and enthusiasm to put a smile on a strangers face... and mine!! Glad you think the same... Very few people I know agree...

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